Hello Stranger

I will be posting artwork as it's created, both 3D and 2D, that I have created on this site.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Alith, The Warmonk

Alith the Warmonk
7300 tris

texture in progress.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I have been producing "skill icons" that would be used for MMO's for a while. Here are all the ones as to this date that I have produced.

All the props I produced for the game Razing Ancients www.razingancients.com

This does not show any of the effects that I created for the project. (except the birds, but those guys are too cute to exclude)

The blue potted plant was rigged and animated my myself. Animations: Idle sway, reaction to player collision.

The War-Duck was a last minute addition for the title menu.